Thursday, November 5, 2009

Nutritional Value Of Corn Tortilla Versus Bread

PRUGAM accountability .... after several years of work, management and gray!

People of PRUGAM (Draft Regional and Urban Planning of the Greater Metropolitan Area, they sent me one of these a thong. The point is that they think my blog plays or has played an important role in raising awareness of urban issues . Say generators often work for free opinion without knowing for certain projects and ideas. For me as a citizen has been rethinking how people lived in the city, without clarity of who the actors carrying out these realities. Well now I see this videíto, I have a little more Clarillo. Say the PRUGAM with a staff of the European Community, plus a template to put the Costa Rican government, launched the Draft Regional and Urban Planning of the Greater Metropolitan Area. That would be the larger framework that includes all changes at any time and we analyze, such as boulevards, underground wiring, improved parks, commuter rail, among others ....
While I understand, those of PRUGAM functioned as manager, of a very complex process that includes planning institutions, municipalities, people. Left in place a plan to 2030 of how to act in the GAM in all urban issues, transport, environment and how we must change too our ways of thinking about the city we have and we want, that means not just thinking about this, but how we want it every day, and into the future. That means, shake it, think it, criticize it, improve it and enjoy clear.
The videíto I must say, I am not convinced at all, that is, it falls short, it is not cool, is not convincing and should be seen several times to really understand what they did all these years. We will not blame them, by this time I forgive, but look for more creative people, even a corporate video. Not because corporate have to be boring, but sometimes keep a straight falls in a style that nobody wants to see, because it is just that, corporate ....


In the words of

"Because we deserve a better city ... precisely this phrase that holds a desire has been the source of motivation for the work done by the PRUGAM project. The PRUGAM was part of the new generation of technical cooperation projects and non-repayable grant of the European Union, which concluded today its implementation phase.

The continuity of the urban proposal PRUGAM depend on joint efforts is made between national, regional organizations, municipalities and citizens. All are part of the solution and it is our responsibility to ensure that you implement their suggestions and follow them up, they need to achieve the objectives of the Project, including:

• Improving the efficiency of the urban system of the Great Metropolitan Area, Costa Rica main economic area, which will reduce the current environmental costs, social and economic benefits of an irrational and unsustainable land model and improve the living conditions of its inhabitants.

PRUGAM Project has disseminated widely the results, well known. They are technically complex and corresponds to a plan of this nature. However, it has been decided to create a documentary with a message to the population of the greater metropolitan area, with a summary of the project. "

Well here

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Coconut Oil Side Effect

! Heredia train finally!

from a distance Then I followed the ins and outs of the bureaucracy in setting up the famous train Heredia-San José , from the landing, the test that kills almost Arias fright, the change in sleeping, withdrawal from the system of number plates and large dams that followed, the new rapid replacement of the system due to chaos it generated.
Now with the second-hand train wheel in our land, (they are not producing machines and high technology), the country bet again and finally collective proposals for efficient transport. Given the traffic chaos that in recent years has stifled the Central Valley, the success of Guan-San Pedro train make this bet a real breakthrough for the quality of life of citizens. It was time, and deserved Heredian a solution for some time, because the roads to the capital of the province has remained for decades in the state. The crumbs of the state were eventually used in something that really serves the people. Enbuenahora the train arrives, and nothing, waiting to be enjoyed by people, and still waiting for the Cartago, Limon, a tram, and why not, other new routes.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Damask Wallpaper Black And White

Interestingly, a local editorial, exclusive of issue: San Jose.
Well, I think that it is not unreasonable, as it could channel some unedited existing productions, whether scientific, sociological, historical, archaeological, but also of literature, stories, essays, who knows ... not to publish for publishing , and has quality ...
One way to promote thinking and rethinking, feel and do our small city dummy ...
Here the link of the news.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Xd Card Olympus Fuji Interchangeable

try to continue to put at least now the links to interesting news in the media, so as to follow up the digital archive projects chepe.
Two interesting projects, making several more parks in the metropolitan area.

The greater metropolitan area could have five new public parks and

a guide or manual that will serve to carry out improvements and changes in public space.

Guide will help municipalities to design public spaces

Both positive and good. Hopefully to go forward.