Demi Lovato took her Twitter to say he misses his lifelong friend, Selena Gomez.
This is the first time in many years that has Demster charge on Selena, besides being the first to tweeting about a celebrity.
As you know, Delena always been best friends since the very small, coming to make movies for Disney Channel and funny videos on Youtube, but at any moment they separated and each went his way.
Perhaps this is an indication that Delena is making a comeback. We hope so, because these two were the dynamic duo and we know that many fans of miss a lot.
Would you like to see the return of Delena? If (fun), No (interesting) I would like, I'm not a fan of them (bad)
As you know, Delena always been best friends since the very small, coming to make movies for Disney Channel and funny videos on Youtube, but at any moment they separated and each went his way.
Perhaps this is an indication that Delena is making a comeback. We hope so, because these two were the dynamic duo and we know that many fans of miss a lot.
Would you like to see the return of Delena? If (fun), No (interesting) I would like, I'm not a fan of them (bad)
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